Am I a failure if its January 8th and this is my first blog of the New Year? Well, I'm going to attempt to do better.
So, what's been going on with the Hease family in 2011? Well, we are getting settled in our house. We moved into a rental home just before Christmas. We didn't have much time to get settled before we headed to MI to visit family, then family came to visit us. It seems more difficult this time around to get settled and organized. Pictures to come soon.
Eric has decided to pursue Fire Fighting. Colorado Springs will be hiring several in the upcoming months. Eric had to take a written test and a physical test. He did the written test yesterday and the physical test today. The physical test was pretty intense. There were eight different things he had to do in less than 10 minutes and 20 seconds. He finished in 9 minutes! I am so proud of him! We should find out more information in the next month.
We have an amazing YMCA community here in The Springs. I was working out at our apartment gym until we moved, since we no longer have it, we decided to get a family gym memberships. I don't know if it is like this everywhere, but they have income-based rates. You can get discounted rates if you make under $60,000. They have great equipment, children's area and tons of classes! We can go to any Y's in the Pike's Peak region. There are 5 or 6 Y's that are included in our membership. I would highly recommend checking them out if you are thinking if getting a gym membership.
I am planning on starting a new blog and that is why I haven't posted in so long. I've been doing some research. I'm planning on doing a sewing/crafting blog called "Naptime Threads". I'll be doing tutorials as well as pattern reviews and more. If this is something you would be interested in reading, please let me know what kind of information you would be interested in learning/reading.
I really like ana white (Knock-off Wood)! She recently posted about Google Sketchup. I downloaded it and I'm obsessed! You can design furniture and such. It's tons of fun! Eric recently made this and I painted it. Pictures to come soon. It's still drying. I have a whole list of things to make. Eric and I are going to make them together! I'm really excited!
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